I want you to think of your skin care routine when you think of your scalp and hair. Just like your skin, your hair needs exfoliation and lots of moisture. We have a saying as hairstylists. “healthy hair begins with a healthy scalp.” If your hormones or PH balance is off it will always show up on your face (usually pimples) and scalp. Find yourself a gentle yet effective scalp scrub - this one is our fav.

Exfoliation should only happen once, maybe twice a week max. After you exfoliate this is your time to put moisture back into your scalp and hair. I recommend something that has lots of fine high quality ingredients like shea butters, lavender oils and any seed extracts that help calm and moisten the skin on the scalp. Usually you’ll want to do this once a week so your dryness goes away. If the winter months make that hard then change it to twice a week.

One key tip is to always scrub and massage your scalp with purpose. Blood flow is so important to a healthy scalp we often forget to really massage ourselves and rub vigorously.

One of my favs deep conditioning for dry scalp is this conditioner right here.

Once the dryness goes away, it’s time to switch up your hair care again.

PS. don’t forget to moisturize those ends daily, too!


Are you washing your hair too much?


5 things all brunettes need to know for fall and winter.