Are you washing your hair too much?

Why is washing your hair too much of a problem? One of the most commonly asked questions in a hair salon about salon shampoo. We’ve got the answers.

The more you wash your hair, the more you are stripping all of the natural oils from your scalp and hair. The more you wash your hair, the more you are putting heat on it. The hot water also opens your cuticles and strips anything out on the surface, as well. if we are constantly doing this - your hair is going to become extremely dry, thirsty and damaged. Of course any salon you go to, we always suggest using salon shampoo. Now, How much shampoo should i use? The best way to get good use out of your salon shampoo is to start with a small amount and add water into your hair as your massaging it into the scalp. Adding water as you scrub will create more spreadability and you’ll get more use. We always suggest a second wash. The first wash is the lift all the dirt and oils off, the second is truly for a deep clean.

Now let’s get to the scalp issues it will cause if you wash your hair too often. . . Washing away your natural oils triggers your skin cells to PRODUCE MORE OILS. Which in turn creates a very unhealthy balance on the scalp. Your hair becomes oily, faster and more often. Salon shampoo with moisture content in it will help with this issue as well. Just like your dry ends, your scalp also needs moisture to keep it from over producing.

Here are a few small tips to help you get out of this habit:

  • Use dry shampoo on the day you wash your hair, this will help extend the wash days.

  • How much Shampoo should I use? the size of a nickle or quarter for each wash.

  • Opt for a CONDITIONING WASH. Yes you heard me. That is a wash that gently (not completely) washes your hair but is HIGH in moisture so it leaves some natural oils and leaves your hair feeling conditioned.

  • Try extending your wash days as much as you can. Start with one day and use the dry shampoo method. You can work your way up to two to three days extended, once your scalp gets balanced out from over producing oils.


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